We provide professional support to families with children

We are the Early Intervention. We support families with children with special needs. Mutual trust and professional care is of utmost importance to us. We believe that all parents can experience joy with their children. We are supporting families since 2005.

Dítě - EDUCO
rodina a raná péče - EDUCO
rodina - EDUCO
Dagmar Machová - ředitelka EDUCO

We questioned the name “EDUCO” a little. We realized that people would associate it with the interpretation of ‘education’. The final decision was made thanks to a fateful meeting with the traveller Miroslav Zikmund, who found it more than suitable. He came across this term many times in his life on his trips to rempote parts of the world. He linked it to the ideas of “guiding, accompanying, supporting of somebody or something.” And that is the core idea of EDUCO.

Dagmar Machová, manager




Internationl Conference On the same boat


First accredited course Program Portage


Celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Foundation


Developing the method “Team Around the Child” (TOD)


Moving into new premises


Reaching 100 client families


Receiving the Erste Foundation Award for Achievement in Social Integration


Receiving the Guarantee Association of Workers in Early Intervention


Implementing the Basal stimulation workplace


Registering with Social Services, 63 families


The founding of the Centre for Early Care EDUCO Zlín z.s.

Past Events

Donate and help us

Let your gift put a smile on the faces of children who have not had an easy start to their lives. Together with you, we can find undiscovered joy.

Dítě, raná péče - EDUCO

Statue, annual reports, press coverage