Conference on Early Intervention and Interdisciplinary Cooperation and Family Support
May 12th – 13th 2022 Zlin, Czech Republic
EDUCO organizes an international conference for professionals in Early Intervention, Health and Education as well as for parents of children with special needs. The conference will take place at Tomas Bata University (building U18) in Zlin.
- Experience with the method Team Around the Child (TAC) in Early Care Center EDUCO, Zlin
- Experience of the professionals with TAC
- Examples of interdisciplinary cooperation in other countries (Great Britain, Portugal)
- Inclusion of children with special needs in the kindergartens
- Caring for your own resources (Parental exhaustion and its prevention)
You can download your Invitation here.
The Conference Program can you download here.
We prepare for you:
- Speakers from the Czech Republic and abroad
- Interpreting
- Refreshment
- Evening afterparty

Why should you be there?
There will be lectures on interdisciplinary cooperation in the Czech Republic and abroad. We expect guests from the Czech Republic, Portugal and the United Kingdom. Most regrettably, our guests from the Netherlands will not be able to attend the conference as they are currently providing urgent help to Ukrainian organizations. There will also be panel discussions of experts and parents who have experienced and participated in the TAC method. They will share their experience with this unique method with the participants.
We are preparing workshops for you
One of the recurrent topics on TAC meetings is the parental exhaustion. We dedicate a part of the conference program to parents of children with special needs. We are preparing a tailor-made workshop for them. They will have the opportunity to get advice and hints on the possible ways of handling this problem. The number of parents participating in the workshop is space limited to 30 persons.
We are also preparing a workshop for professionals on how to support parents in difficult life situations. Parents often open these topics at the meetings. The workshop will provide an opportunity to address this topic in detail and show examples of suitable support for a client family in need. There is no limit on the number of participants in the workshop for professionals, nevertheless it is necesary to register before 22/4/2022.
Did you know?
EDUCO introduced the principles of interdisciplinary cooperation from Great Britain. The Team Around the Child is a method originally proposed by Peter Limbrick. The name of the method is Tým okolo dítěte, or TOD in czech language. The aim of this method is to bring together professionals from the fields of education, health and social services. Together they are able to create comprehensive support for families with children with special needs.
Why is the topic of interdisciplinary cooperation important?
The interdisciplinary cooperation of experts is desirable for clients with many different diagnoses. However, it happens very rarely. Each specialist usually deals with the parents of the kid independently at regular check-ups or visits. The parents often have to pass information from one expert to another without even understanding them. “It used to happen that we would receive many pieces of contradictory information from different specialists. We didn’t know how to decide,” explains Matěj´s mother. The TAC method aims to prevent this situation. The principle of the method is bring together all specialists at one table. The parents can meet, a paediatrician, a neurologist, a psychologist, a special teacher or a speech therapist in just one day at the same time. Everyone at the TAC meeting has the opportunity to discuss the child’s needs and contribute creating a comprehensive support plan which parents and professionals will follow. The Team around the Child method is unique in the Czech Republic. EDUCO has been offering it to its families since 2017.
Evening afterparty
The “In The Same Boat” conference provides also an evening program at Wine & Food Shop Lavite where you can enjoy a pleasant Italian atmosphere. You can look forward to informal meeting of experts from the Czech Republic and abroad. Together we will taste excellent wines, have some great snacks and listen to piano music. If you are lucky, you will take home a small surprise.
Price of the evening program with wine tasting including refreshments is 650 CZK.
Address: Lešetín II 7147
We organize the conference within the project “Development and professionalization of early intervention services” under the registration number CZ.03.2.63/0.0/0.0/19_098/0015225. We appreciate the support of the European Union, the European Social Fund, the Operational Program Employment and the budget of the Czech Republic.
The conference will take place on-line, in case of an unfavourable covid situation. We will follow updated applicable government measures. We will keep you informed about the conference on an ongoing basis.