If your child is 0-7 years old we provide to your family Early Intervention. During this period you can contact us whenever you need and start to cooperate with us. Consultations are provided at home environment free of charge. Our service is delivered in the all Region Zlín. We provide the Early Intervention by law about social services (the Czech statute – § 54 number 108/2006, about social services).
Our mission…
The mission of our service is to provide professional support and help for families with children with special needs from their birth to their age of seven in their natural environment. The aim of this service is the support of independence of a family and build their independence on social help. Our service is delivered in Region Zlín.
We are here for families with children from their birth to their age of seven…
We are here for families with children from their birth to their age of seven which are struggling with disability or any difference during development as mental, physical or combined disability, PAS (people on autism spectrum), neuro-developmental disabilities, comunication disorder, developmental disabilites caused by early birth, different development from another reason – biological, psychical, social. We can deliver our service only to families which live in the Region Zlín. (target group of EDUCO)
During our cooperation your family…
gets key information and support during applying their interests and rights. Is supported in understending their specific situation and is able to accept and to aware of the follow consequences. Family is able to find balance between ordinary live and individual needs of their child, has skills which needs for the best support of natural developmental of theit child and also is able to solve challenging situation in and out of their family. (targets of social service)
We can offer…
support of your competences in educational and activation activities. Mediation of contacts with the social environment, social therapeutic activities, the support and help during applying your interrests and rights and during taking care of personal matters. (basic activities of early intervention – the Czech statute number 505/2006 Sb.)
Our Guidelines
Privacy of our clients
Expertise and multidisciplinarity
Individual approach to clients
Team approach to clients and partnerships
Guiding the clients to independence
Are you interest about the Early Intervention?
We provide Early Intervention to you if your family with a child meet the conditions of the target group. First interview is with the legal representative of the child (parent, guardian or foster parent). In a case of your interest, please feel free to contact Mrs. Dagmar Melková whose will arrange the term of appointment with you. If you would not speak Czech, you can also invite the interpreter.
How does it work?
Family consultations are governed by your requirements and at the same time, they are in accordance with the possibilities of EDUCO (ie. dependent on staffing and operating times). They follow the binding rules of early intervention services. You can choose the frequency of consultations (usually every 4-8 weeks). You can change the consultation frequency depending on your needs (about once every 3 weeks) eg. for the period of the first six months of service. Every family consultation takes an average of 1,5 – 3 hours, the minimum length depends on your wishes. During the consultation, you can choose toys and aids which you can borrow free of charge to promote your work with the child at home. The work itself and the toys and aids should always be appropriate for the current situation and needs of the child.
Team Around the Child
What is a Team Around the Child?
The Centre of Early Care EDUCO Zlín started using a new method of interdisciplinary collaboration called Team Around the Child in 2017. EDUCO adopted this method from Peter Limbrick from the UK and continue developing and adapting it to meet the needs of Czechs. EDUCO offers the Team Around the Child approach to families with children with disabilities. The method has received excellent feedback from families and professionals. It is a successful and enriching experience and all of EDUCO’s consultants would like to spread it and make it accessible to as many families as possible. The Team Around the Child makes a special connection between the professionals from health, education and social services. The consultant brings together professionals from all three sectors, along with the parents, to a round-table meeting. The magic of this method is to organize a meeting of parents and professionals who jointly draw up the support plan for the child.
How can my family attend a Team Around the Child?
All families which are EDUCO’s clients can be supported by a Team Around the Child. The family communicates its interest to its early care consultant, who will provide all the necessary information.
What parents said about TAC?
EDUCO launched the Team Around the Child method as a pilot project in 2017. The parents who have been involved so far appreciate its comprehensive approach. “I returned home after the Team Around the Child first meeting, taking with me a more complete picture of what I could do with my son. It was a deeply reassuring experience. It was great to sit at a table with all the professionals we visit and hear the information in its complexity,” said little Honzik’s mother after the TAC meeting.